

Carley is a world explorer with a passion for acoustic music, local food, street art, and minimalism. When she’s not at work or in class, you can find her volunteering for various philanthropic causes, mentoring undergraduate students and supporting the fraternal movement, crossing oceans to embark on an adventure of personal and cultural exploration, or eating doughnuts (not a mutually exclusive activity).

As a well-rounded academic and lifelong learner, she has had the opportunity to earn degrees in both Theatre Arts and Africana Studies from the University of Pittsburgh; most recently she earned her M.S. in Instructional Design & Technology from the University of Tampa. For more information on the master’s degree program, please visit the ‘Coursework’ section of this website.

Professionally, she has held titles such as lifeguard, trainer, stage manager, public relations intern, leadership consultant, event planner, marketing manager, payroll associate, camp counselor, scheduling analyst, photographer, accounting clerk, and beer geek. She is excited to add ‘Solutions Engineer’ to the list and begin her instructional design career with Deloitte in July 2016.

She lives in Tampa, FL with her husband and their pet finch, Houdini.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller

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