
Lyft Module


Context: While enrolled in EME620 during the spring of 2015, students were assigned the task of solving an instructional problem using the Morrison, Ross, & Kemp design model. Project components included a problem statement, job & task analysis, objectives & sequencing, and an instructional unit.

Conditions: This was partnered assignment with no budget and a fourteen week window for completion. The instructional design model was provided by the instructor, but students were permitted to self-select their topic and instructional delivery method.

Scope: This was the final project submitted at the culmination of the semester.

Role: This project was completed by a two person team. All components (analysis, design, storyboarding, and development) were the result of collaborative efforts. In addition, I fulfilled the role of SME since I had extensive exposure to Lyft culture as a driver, mentor, recruiter, and passenger.

Software: Microsoft PowerPoint, Camtasia, Voki, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Weebly

Click here to link to the project site and view artifacts.



Instructional Unit Storyboard Samples


Mobile Phone Usage in Rural Thailand

thai flag

Context: While enrolled in EME603 during the fall of 2015, students were tasked with learning about inquiry and measurement in the instructional design field through the completion of a self-directed research project. In addition to the submission of a final research paper, students were expected to create a media presentation of their findings.

Conditions: This was an individual assignment with no budget and a fourteen week window for completion. A suggested schedule was provided by the instructor, but it was the responsibility of the student to ensure that the research project was completed by the conclusion of the semester.

Scope: This was the final project submitted at the culmination of the semester. Additional questionnaires have been completed, resulting in more robust data. However, those results have not yet been analyzed.

Role: This project was an individual effort with the support of a partner in Thailand for data collection purposes. This research was reviewed by the Association of Educational Communication & Technology (AECT) and was accepted by the Culture, Learning, and Technology Division for inclusion in the 2016 International Conference.

Software: Microsoft Word, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Articulate Storyline 2

Click here to read the research paper.

Click here to view the presentation.